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Myanmar Catholic Christian Prayers
for Divine Worship
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This App, known as the “Catholic Prayers (MMR-ENG)”, is a great resource of prayer for divine worship. As the name indicates, this app is especially helpful for those of us who feel like to start a morning with a prayer raising their mind and heart to God which brings the most joy and peace to their lives. This App has it all. This application contains the Order of the Mass, the daily Prayers, Devotional Prayers, Rosary, Litanies, the Stations of the Cross and Hymns you’ve ever wanted to pray. It offers Daily Mass podcasts that should be at the center of our lives and our day.

This App has been given the name “Catholic Prayers (MMR-ENG)” because this App is written in two languages: Myanmar and English, for your convenience.

As we are now living in the digital age, most of us become accustomed using digital devices. Most of us are aware that we could benefit from using our phones. So, we carry it along with ourselves wherever we go. Since it is handy, we want everything in it. So too is our aim.

While it’s great to have a physical copy, the App can be an easy way to access the Order of the Mass, the daily Prayers, Devotional Prayers, Rosary, Litanies, the Stations of the Cross and Hymns whenever you want on the go. You can use day and night, search by title or content, the App has good index.

Hopefully simple, the varieties of choice help you to enjoy the Catholic Prayers App. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.